Getting started


Welcome to the product documentation for the gridscale Cloud Computing services!

In the nav bar on the left, you can find all components of the cloud computing offer, starting from IaaS Servers, over the different PaaS services, down to the API documentation.


{%gs-only%} Welcome to gridscale, the cloud management platform that allows you to easily deploy and manage your applications in the cloud.

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to get started with gridscale.


Step 1: Sign Up and Create an Account

To get started with gridscale, you’ll first need to sign up for an account. To do so, follow these steps:

Visit the website at

  • Enter your email address and choose a password.
  • Click the “Register” button.
  • Verify your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your email.

Once you’ve verified your email address, you can log in to your account. {%/gs-only%}


Step 2: Deposit a Payment Method

To access gridscale’s resources and services, you need to have a valid payment method on file. To deposit a payment method, follow these steps:

  • Click the “Billing” tab in your account settings.
  • Click the “Payment Methods” option.
  • Choose the payment method you want to use.
    • You can choose between SEPA and credit card.
    • Partners also have the option to choose invoice as a payment method.
  • Enter the required information for your chosen payment method.
  • Click the “Add Payment Method” button.

Once your payment method is on file, you can start using’s services and pay only for what you use. {%/gs-only%}


Step 3: Explore the User Interface

When you first log in to your gridscale account, you’ll see the dashboard.

The dashboard provides an overview of your infrastructure, including your servers, networks, storage, and other resources. Spend some time exploring the user interface to familiarize yourself with the platform’s features and capabilities. {%/gs-only%}


Step 4: Create a Server

To create a server, follow these steps:

  • Click the “Servers” tab in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click the “Create Server” button.
  • Select the server type you want to create.
  • Choose the specifications for your server, including CPU, RAM, storage, and other options. Select the location where you want to deploy your server.
  • Choose the image you want to use for your server’s operating system.
  • Customize any additional settings, such as network settings and SSH keys.
  • Click the “Create Server” button.
  • Your server will be deployed and ready to use in a few minutes. {%/gs-only%}


Step 5: Manage Your Server

To manage your server, follow these steps:

  • Click the “Servers” tab in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click on the server you want to manage.
  • Use the menu options to manage your server, such as starting or stopping it, accessing the console, or creating backups. {%/gs-only%}


Step 6: Explore Additional Features

gridscale offers many additional features to help you manage your infrastructure in the cloud.

Some of these features include load balancers, storage solutions, and a DNS service. Spend some time exploring the platform to see what additional features might be useful for your needs.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully created and managed a server using gridscale!

This guide provides just the basics of the platform’s functionality, but there’s much more to discover. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to’s support team for help. {%/gs-only%}
